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Children's Dictionary
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clothe to put clothing on; dress.
clothes things worn on the body, such as pants, shirts, and dresses; clothing; garments.
custom a way of acting that is usual or accepted for a person or a social group. [4 definitions]
horror a great and painful feeling of fear or shock. [3 definitions]
light1 the form of energy that makes it possible for the eye to see. The sun produces light. [11 definitions]
light3 to set down after motion; land after flight. [2 definitions]
lights the lungs of animals, esp. of sheep and pigs, used for food.
map a picture of a particular area of the earth or sky drawn or printed to scale on a flat surface. [3 definitions]
my belonging to me, done by me, or having to do with me.
My. abbreviation of "May," the fifth month of the Gregorian calendar year, having thirty-one days.
myo- muscle.
out beyond the limits; away. [13 definitions]
out- a prefix that means "out," "outside," or "outward." [2 definitions]
steal to take from another without permission or right. [6 definitions]
stolen the past participle of "steal."